Saga / Daun Saga / Abrus Precotorius
Saga (Abrus precatorius) is an anti-ulcer drug plants populer.Daun this plant, when combined with betel leaf, into a powerful traditional medicine to overcome this seriawan.Khasiat derived from several active ingredients Abrus lactone, abrusgenat acid, and derivatives metilnya.Daunnya also contains glycyrrhizin, a potent treat cough and tenggorokan.yang disorders of the skin conditioning properties and membrane lendir.Kandugan compounds can trigger the sputum and throat.
Saga leaves have traditionally been proven effective to treat some kinds of special penyakit.Lebih to treat respiratory diseases such as cough, hoarse throat, bronchitis, as well as oral thrush and hot. (From various sources)
GUDANG JAMU sell best quality Saga leaves, nutrious, and not mix with other material.