Ginger / Jahe Emprit / Zingiber Officinalis
Ginger is used as seasoning especially efficacious to increase appetite, strengthens the stomach, and the repair is possible because terangsangnya pencernaan.Hal mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines by essential oils of ginger rhizome issued.
The benefits of ginger, among others: Lowering blood pressure (hypertension), helps digestion, prevent blockage of blood vessels. prevent nausea, create a comfortable stomach, relieve stomach cramps and helps remove the wind. Ginger also contains antioxidants that help neutralize the damaging effects caused by free radicals in the body. One of the main benefits of ginger for beauty is able to prevent acne comes, smoothes the skin and eliminate cellulite. (From various sources).
GUDANG JAMU sell best quality Ginger, nutrious, and not mix with other material.