Herbal and Spices Supplier

We sell a wide range of herbs or spices in the form of powder and dry simplicia high quality and efficacious at competitive prices in the market.

Herbs or spices that we sell come from partner farmers of the village with a rigorous selection process: clean, no moldy, not mixed with other materials.

Contact Us

Jl.Patimura No 5, Ndawung Wetan
Serengan, Surakarta - INDONESIA
XL / WA 0878 3617 3522
Simpati 0813 2891 4861
Email. haodawirawan@gmail.com

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Galangal / Kencur / Kaempferia Galangal




Galangal is very commonly used as a sore throat remedy. galangal  is also used as a cure bloating by way of direct crushed or chewed. Another benefit of galangal  is as painkillers tired after activity. galangal is also used as an appetite enhancer, bacterial infections, cough, dysentery, tonic, ekspekatoran, colds, and stomach pain. 

In general, not only as a benefit galangal  tradisional medicine (herbs), but can also be used in galangal cosmetics industry, food and beverage flavorings and spices. 

For herbs, galangal is a plant that has been known in the repertoire of dishes teradisional Indonesian society. While as a medicinal plant, also known as drug kencur stomach ulcers, inflammation of the ear child, infant influenza, colds, headache, cough, diarrhea, blood removes dirty, menstruation, eye aches, sprains, and removing tired. One of the benefits that could be taken as galangal beauty is to overcome the problem of acne. (from various sources).

GUDANG JAMU sell best quality Galangal, nutrious, and not mix with other material.

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