Pulasari / Pulasari / Alyxia Stellate
Pulasari is a vine with white bark that has a particular scent and taste bitter. This plant grows wild in the woods and in the fields of mountain areas.
Bark contains substances: tanning substances, coumarin, bitter substances, and alkaloids. Besides as seasoning (especially the fish dishes and curry), Alyxia stellata is also believed as plants that have medicinal properties, among others:
- To treat sariawanan
- As the drug stimulates the appetite
- Cough .; heartburn drugs
- Drug gonorrhea (as water dishes).
- To treat fever in children (wood as topical)
- Seizures intestine (skin)
- Blood that has not stopped out (skin and stems)
- Gastroenteritis
- Irregular menstruation
- White eggs in the urine
- Whitish. (From various sources).
GUDANG JAMU sells best quality pulasari, nutrious and not mix with other material