Rasuk Angin / Rasuk Angin / Usnea Sp
Rasuk angin grows at altitudes above 1,000 m asl. Dependent on the host but does not harm the tree, looks like a green thread white gray or grayish, can reach a height of 30 cm, and the dangling position. Generally found in cold temperate areas or in the mountains. Efficacy of Rasuk angin is as cold medicine, dysentery, ulcers, urine laxative, cough, aches, diarrhea, and dysentery. Usually as a mixture of materials other drugs. Names Usnea area is Beard, Beard Rabion, wind Tahi (Sumatra), Beard receipt, Rasuk angin (Java), Janggutan receipt (Nusa Tenggara), Tahi wind, tai anging (Sulawesi). (From various sources).
GUDANG JAMU sells best quality rasuk angin, nutrious and not mix with other material